Thursday, October 3, 2013

The dreaded word any natural hates to hear "Breakage"!

Ladies, I am facing a dilemma and I'm so discouraged by it... Breakage. I've been doing everything I needed to do to make sure my hair is healthy and growing but I'm still experiencing breakage. Ive been wearing a protective style (box braids w/ extensions) for about 1 1/2 months now, I've been shampooing and conditioning my hair as needed (once ever 1-2 weeks), I've been moisturizing my hair daily with Shea Moisture coconut styling milk and mist and I have been sealing my hair with JBCO w/Rosemary and I've trimmed my ends on an as needed basis (every 6-8 weeks even longer) I've followed the "natural rule book" the do's and the don't's and my hair is still breaking. I've even incorporated daily scalp massages to my regimin and it seems like nothing is working at this point. It's so frustrating.  I can only guess what's causing the breakage.

Okay, so when my hair was relaxed I experienced excessive breakage in the colder months (october-February) crazy I know. In the warm months I'd notice hair growth (March- September). So I'm wonder if the change in weather has something to do with this breakage.
I did forget to mention, I'm experiencing breakage in my nape area (T'd off because it was growing so good), my edges, temple, and behind my left ear. Now the hair in those areas haven't completely broken off. Its the hair surrounding the braid that's broken off. It's difficult to explain so I'll try my best. You know how you part your hair into a "box" then place a braid? Well the actual parted hair has broken off in some spots, so you can't make a clean straight part. That's the best way that I can explain it.
Anyways, I'm also thinking that stress has contributed to my breakage. When I'm under a lot of stress, which I have been for a few weeks now (kids, bills, work ect. you know how it goes), my energy level is depleted so I might forget to moisturize my hair when needed. Then the stress itself makes my hair fall out. Hormones are thrown off balance, poor nutrition (when I'm stressed I lose my appetite), no energy= no exercise and the list goes on and on. I've tried meditating to help reduce stress but it looks like the damage is done and my hair is paying the price.

So I'm reaching out to anyone willing to help. Please help a sista out! What are some methods you've used to combat breakage?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Preach!!! A must see. I love him and his hair

Watch "Dear, Natural Hair Nazis ...... i'm SICK OF Y'ALL......" on YouTube

Monday, September 9, 2013

"Grow Damnit!" Tips on growing longer hair faster.

Like many of you just starting this healthy natural hair journey, at one point or another you googled, binged, or yahoo searched ways to grow your hair longer faster. Plenty of websites claim to have the answer(s). In reality there is no clear cut dry answer. But there are methods that can help promote healthy hair growth. Some methods work wonders for some and some have been ineffective for others. I quess it's all about finding what works for your personal needs.
My Story
Recently I have installed medium size box braids in my hair (about a month ago) , not big enough to be called the "poetic justice" braids but I like them. Anyway, Im happy with the progress my hair has made BUT I'd be happier if my hair grew out more. I've been experiencing some slow growth during my "natural" healthy hair journey. My hair currently grows at the rate of 1/2 inch per month (doesnt seem like much, I know) my goal is to get my hair to grow 1 - 2 inches per month. I want to have shoulder length hair when my one year post relaxer anniverary comes around.  So Ive made it my mission for the next 6 months to try by all means possible to get my hair growing. Ive researched EVERYWHERE on the web on ways to make my hair grow faster. I've heard everything from onion juice to apricot masks both of which sounds weird but at this point Im willing to try ANYTHING.

On almost every site Ive visited they mentioned biotin as a way to promote faster hair growth.
Now biotin is a b-vitamin known not just to grow hair but promote nail growth and healthy skin as well. Many websites also say that there isn't enough evidence to back up the reports that it grows hair faster. But non the less many people are raving about it and have seen some good results. It's water soluble so you're body only uses what it needs. The suggested daily amount is 2,500 mcg (micrograms not milligrams). Some people take up to 5,000 mcg a day. Again, it's best to consult with your doctor first. I started taking biotin capsules about 4 days ago (and yes, I did consult with my doctor before taking them). Its too early to say that Ive seen results so I'm going to give it about a month or two. I purchased them at wal-mart for around $2.80 for 1,000 mcg capsules. On the bottle it states you can take them one to five times  a day. For the first 2 days I started taking one now Im taking 2 a day. I take one with breakfast with my multivitamin and one with lunch (its best to be taken with food). And I make sure I drink lots of water with it. I have my finger crossed and hoping to see some great results. A lot of my slow hair growth can be attributed anemia. Ive been anemic my whole life (generic maybe) so a little vitamins couldn't hurt.


Along with taking biotin many websites state that exercise and eating healthy can and will promote hair growth. Exercise is good because it supplies oxygen enriched blood flow to the scalp, which the hair needs to grow. Also eating foods high in iron, folic acid, zinc and protein which are all great for hair growth. So you got to drop the pizza, burgers and fries and pick up a salad, lean meat, and yogurt (or wherever other healthy foods you like). And try to exercise. Take baby steps if you have to.


Along with eating healthy and exercising stress reduction is key, not for growing hair but keeping it from falling out. If you're like me, when I'm under a ton of stress I don't even have to tell anyone because you can see it on my face (breakouts) and my hair sheds like crazy. There was a time last year when I was under a lot of stress for a long period of time. It didn't matter what supplements I took, be it iron or protein my hair continued to break. Stress is "no bueno" so try any way you can to alleviate it. Going for long walks helps me. Reading motivational or spiritual books helps too. And prayer goes a long way. If the stress is unbearable, seeing a clinician (therapist) can help. There's nothing wrong with talking to someone who's trained to deal with whatever you may be going through.


Besides taking supplements many websites say that a good ol scalp massage can stimulate hair growth. And a good ol scalp massage can help reduce stress. Well for me anyway. Ummm... now that feels so good lol. Massaging the scalp promotes blood flow which again the hair needs to grow. I suggest taking some of your favorite hair oil (Jamaican black castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil etc.) and massage it into your scalp. I use a mixture of coconut oil, vitamin E and soy bean oil. I normally massage the oil into my scalp for about 30 seconds to a minute. And if my day was extremely stressful I'll do it a little longer. "Ain't nothing to it but to do it" Try it for yourself.

The list goes on and on as far as ways to make your hair grow faster and longer. From keeping your scalp clean to trimming your hair every few weeks.  Some websites have up to 30 remedies (too many for me). I just stick to the ones that make the most sense like the ones mentioned above. I don't know I might try the onion juice method one day and tell you guys how it went. I'm just worried about smelling like Burger King lol. I'm definitely going to report back with my progress. So for 2 months it's biotin, healthy food, exercise, stress reduction, and scalp massages along with good moisturizing and scalp cleansing. If all else fails (which I don't suspect they will) onion juice it is. *Wish me luck!

Here are some pictures of my box braids and the biotin/ multivitamin pills I'm using. And 2 month growth progress in my nape area(back of my head)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Product Review: Creme of Nature Perfect Edges hair gel

I decided to do a product review on the product brand Creme of Nature Perfect Edges. I stumbled upon this product while browsing in my local beauty supply store. I was interested in trying this product because unlike ORS's  (Organic Root Stimulator) smooth edges, Creme of Nature's product contains Argan oil. And it was a reasonable price at around $4.99.

I bought it because I was putting a "quick weave" in my hair (another protective style) and I needed something to smooth down my edges but I didn't want my hair to get dry. So I figured this product would be perfect. Hence the name "Perfect edges". 

Once I installed and styled my quick weave I used the product to smooth my edged down. It left my edges nice and smooth and added lots shine. BUT as soon as I left my house in 80° weather (20 mins. later) the gel began to melt and drip down my face.  My once smooth shiny edges became puffy and out of place. I kept reapplying the product throughout the day to keep my edges down but it didn't work. Every time I applied it 20+ mins later my edges were puffy again. And did I forget to mention I had to keep tissue with me to wipe this dripping mess off of my forehead. This produvt would probably work better for someone with relaxed or not as rough natural hair like my 4c hair. Or maybe to use in the colder months since heat melts it away.

.Leaves hair soft
.Adds alot of shine
.Hair is smoothed down when first applied
.Has Argan Oil
.Doesn't flake or leave any residue on hair.
.reasonable price

.Smoothness doesn't last (Especially in warm weather)
.If your transitioning or natural with very kinky hair it doesn't keep your edges down for long.
.Contains Parabens
.Small quantity
.Drips when warm

This isn't a review to tell people to buy or not to buy this product. This is just my experience and thoughts about this product.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oils that promote healthy hair growth!

On this natural hair journey I've searched for many ways to grow my hair faster, longer, and thicker. Ive taken several trips to the beauty supply store trying fo find products that promised faster hair growth and was met with disappointment. What I've learned on my journey is that you can't make hair grow any faster than what its meant to grow. But what you can do is keep your hair healthy so that it can grow and you can retain length.

Making sure your hair is healthy and growing you have to make sure that you are putting healthy things into your body. Eating healthy foods like green leafy veggies and foods with iron, amino acids, fiber and the right fats can help your hair grow healthy.  Also drinking lots of water. Typically drinking 8 glasses a day (well that's what I was taught in nutrition class).
Exercise is essential as well. Exercise helps stimulate blood flow to the scalp which the hair needs to grow. And exercise also helps reduce stress. Stress can cause your hair to break off. Ive experienced "stress breakage" over the past few years and no matter how many products you put in your hair to keep it from breaking, if you're experiencing a high amount of stress your hair will break off.

To keep hair healthy and growing, oils plays a major role. Oils such as caster oil, oilve oil, coconut and sweet almond oil help stimulate hair growth and moisturize your hair. Here's a list of some great oils that promote hair growth. 


Rosemary oil is often used in shampoo. Rosemary has the ability to stimulate the hair follicles, which results in hair growth. Rosemary helps hair grow not only longer, but stronger.


Jojoba oil has the ability to loosen and remove crusted build up on the scalp. This build up is known to block hair follicles and inhibit hair growth.


Lavender oil is used for many purposes one of which is hair loss. Several smaller studies have shown that individuals suffering from alopecia (hair loss) who massaged their heads daily with lavender and other essential oils had significant hair re-growth over the course of seven months


Coconut oil is excellent for nourishing hair and helping it have a beautiful shine. Massaging coconut oil into the scalp ensures that the hair is free of lice, lice eggs and dandruff and helps with the nourishment and re-growth of damaged hair


Thyme oil is used to promote hair growth by improving circulation to the scalp through massage. Thyme provides hair with shine, luster and bounce.


This Oil works for all hair types. It will moisturize, thicken, strengthen and rapidly increase hair growth. It increases blood flow to the scalp, supplying valuable nutrients to hair follicles. Jamaican Black Castor Oil will also prevent hair breakages, dandruff, eczema and dry, itchy scalp. Jamaican Black Castor Oil has crossed over into other ethnic groups, and is now being used widely for some of the same purposes, as well as new found uses including eyelash and eyebrow hair growth and as massage oil. This versatile oil carries many varied uses.

Monday, June 3, 2013

My favorite Products

Shea Moisture products are my favorite products to use. First, I love them because they're ingredients are 100% natural and they make my hair really soft and manageable. I also use then on my daughters hair. Its the only product that keeps their hair soft and moisturized all day. Another thing I love about Using Shea Moisture products is that it helps repair your damaged hair. So if you're transitioning to natural hair like I am this product will work very well for you.

You can find these procuts at any drug store ( eg. walgreens, CVS, ect.) even at Wal-mart now. Prices range from $7.99- $12 depending on the size and store. They also have starter kits for people who are transitioning with almost everything you need to help you. Starter kits usually start at around $20. In them you'll get their Shea butter leave-in or rinse out conditioner (a must have), shampoo, and finishing elixir. I recommend these products to anyone.

I use these products shown below in my daily regimen. I moisturize my hair twice a day. I use the L.O.C method to seal in the moisture. I start off by spritzing my hair with water or Shea Moisture moisturizing coconut milk (depending on how dry my hair is), then I use a dime size portion of the shea butter leave in conditioner. Then to help seal in the moisture I use Organix Shea butter and Argan oil (also found at wal-mart).

The best advice I'd give to someone who's going natural is give this method and these products a try. This hair journey, for me, has been about finding the best products for me. (trial and error), and learning to accept and love your hair no matter how kinky, curly, or "coily" it may be.

Hope this helps

Monday, May 6, 2013

Reading the Lables

Before I started growing my natural hair out I would buy products based on what the front of the lable would say. For example I bought a lot of products that promised to help grow my hair "faster", thicker, longer, stronger and healthier. Little did I know that many of those products didn't do anything they promised but they also contained ingredients that we're damaging my hair even more.  Once I found out what those ingredients were, I cleared out my cabinet, read the lables of ALL the hair products I use and got rid of the ones containing these bad ingredients. I was a huge fan of the Dr. Miracle's products but had to stop using them because many of their products contain MINERAL OIL & PETROLATUM, which are not good for your hair. My advise to anyone is to read read read the lables CAREFULLY. If a product sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is and it more than likely contains ingredients that aren't healthy for you. An example of a good product that I love is Shea Moisture products. Their products have all natural ingredients and are perfect for natural hair. You can find these products at most beauty supply stores and drug stores like CVS and Walgreens.

Avoid Products containing:

polyethylene glycol (PEG)
diethanolamine (DEA)
momoethnanolamine (MEA)

click the link for the reasons why you shouldn't use products containing these ingredients.
Hope this helps anyone. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment. :) and subscribe.